Game Statistics

The City of Malton

Active Characters : 3706
Standing Survivors : 1405 (58%)
Standing Zombies : 1000 (42%)
Dead Bodies : 1166
Revivifying Bodies : 135
Standing Zombie Hunters : 1017
Christmas Trees : 407

(Active characters are those that haven't idled out after five days, all above subsets are subsets of active characters. Dead bodies include dead survivors and zombies, but not revivifying corpses. The Zombie Hunter count does not include hunters who are currently zombies themselves. Characters in Monroeville (0 standing survivors, 2 standing zombies, 42642 accounts created) and Borehamwood (0 standing survivors, 2 standing zombies, 11058 accounts created) are not included anywhere in this stats page.)

Players active in the last day: 1486
Players active in the last hour: 65
Total players in game history : 2391494

Mobile Network Coverage : 19%

Class Breakdown

Lvl   Military Scientist  Civilian    Zombie
---  --------- --------- --------- ---------
  1       667       164       429       282
  2        20         3        28        24
  3         8         2        13        12
  4        11         6         5        20
  5         4         1         3        16
  6         9         3         9         9
  7         4         5         5         5
  8         7         2         2         6
  9         5         1         4         7
 10         6         0         6         5
 11         6         3         4         6
 12         1         3         5         6
 13         4         2         6         9
 14         6         2         7        11
 15         3         1         4        12
 16         5         2         7        16
 17         7         0         7         8
 18         3         3         4         6
 19         3         3         4         6
 20         5         3         7         4
 21         6         1         9         2
 22         5         2         4        26
 23        16         3         9        12
 24        10         3        12         8
 25        12         2         5         5
 26         5         1         3         6
 27         7         1         4         6
 28         9         3         4         9
 29         7         5         5         3
 30         1         5        15         4
 31         4         2         3         2
 32         2         3         9         6
 33         7         2         9         6
 34         6         0         4         3
 35         7         2         6        10
 36         6         1        10        11
 37         2         2        11         7
 38         9         5        11         7
 39         7         2        16         7
 40         9         2        19         6
 41        14         7        15         6
 42        25        14        47        21
 43       212        79       257       134
 44        13         9        20        40
 45        18         7        57       183
 46         1         0         7         0
Total    1204       372      1130      1000

Group Rankings

GroupKnown MembersAverage LevelRating
Ridleybank Resistance Front76413121
The Dead29421233
Babble Rabble27371025
Knights Templar2535887
Combat Revive Squad1936693
Bryan Hubbard the zerg1544670
Militant Order of Barhah1933628
The Malton Zookeepers2228621
The Scourge1539588
The Flowers of Decay1538572
Fort Feral Zombies1341544
The Burchell Arms Regulars1535538
Soldiers of Crossman1341537
Dual Nature1339518
The Randoms1242504
Brain Curators1144489
A Non Offensive Group Name3015461
Zombot Queen1043430
Fort Perryn Defense Force1042427
Malton DEA1040404

(Groups with fewer than ten members or a very low average level aren't shown. Idle characters aren't counted. A group's 'Rating' is the total number of levels that the group has as a whole.)

Generated at 12:00, 03/02/25.
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