Welcome to Malton! All you need to do to join the action is to choose a name and class for your character. You can either take the role of a survivor of the quarantine, scavenging a living in the ruined city, or you can play one of dead residents, rising to reclaim their former home.
We don't need to know who you are, but if you want your real name and web page URL to be shown when people look at your profile, you can give them here, or add them later on.
You can also tell us your email address - this won't be shown on your profile, and won't be passed on to anyone else; we'll just use it if we need to contact you about your character, if you forget your password, or if there's any confusion about the identity of its controller. If we don't have an email address for you and you forget your password, then you will never get your password.
(If you already have another character in the game, or intend to play alongside friends or colleagueswho share a computer network with you, please read the rules on multiple characters before continuing.)