Breanna Turner - Level 16 Military

Class:Military A beautiful blond that has lost the will to live, but cant allow herself to die. So she fights to keep Caiger Mall safe.

Wearing: a blood-smeared pair of mirrored sunglasses, a blood-soaked white bandanna, a blood-smeared pendant necklace, a blood-soaked Caiger Mall staff shirt, a blood-soaked pair of dark blue jeans and a bloodstained pair of white shoes

XP:59 Group:Upper Left Corner
Joined:2012-12-16 23:24:33 Skills:
  • Basic Firearms Training (Player gets +25% to hit with all firearms attacks.)
    • Pistol Training (An extra +25% to hit with a pistol.)
      • Advanced Pistol Training (An extra +10% to hit.)
    • Shotgun Training (An extra +25% to hit with a shotgun.)
      • Advanced Shotgun Training (An extra +10% to hit.)
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat (+15% to melee attacks.)
    • Knife Combat (An extra +15% when attacking with a knife.)
    • Free Running (Can move between adjacent buildings without stepping outside.)
    • Scout Safehouse (Scouting a safehouse costs 30AP and grants around 5AP of extra actions within that building each day, until the player dies or the building is ruined.)
          • Shopping (Player may choose which stores to loot, when searching a mall.)
            • Bargain Hunting (Player is 25% more likely to find something when searching a mall.)
          • Body Building (Player has a maximum of 60 Hit Points instead of 50.)
          • Tagging (Player's spraycans last longer. XP bonuses are awarded for tagging certain buildings.)
          • Construction (Player is able to build barricades, repair machinery and restore ruined buildings.)
          • Radio Operation (Player is able to broadcast within the restricted 26.00-28.00 MHz range.)
          • Headshot (If the player delivers a killing blow to a zombie, it must spend an extra 5AP to stand up.)
          Died:18 times
          First died:unknown

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