Owen Onenko - Level 8 Scientist

Class:Scientist just doing what he can the way he can.

Wearing: a torn and blood-soaked pale green medical facemask, a cracked and blood-smeared doctor's headband mirror, a blood-flecked pale blue short-sleeved shirt, a blood-soaked white doctor's coat, a torn and blood-soaked pair of black trousers and a blood-soaked pair of black leather shoes

XP:1 Group:reddit_survivors
Joined:2011-10-29 06:18:30 Skills:
          • Free Running (Can move between adjacent buildings without stepping outside.)
            • NecroTech Employment (Player is able to operate DNA Extractors, and can identify NecroTech offices from the street.)
              • Lab Experience (Can recognise and operate basic-level NecroTech equipment.)
              • First Aid (Player is able to heal an extra 5HP when using a first-aid kit.)
                • Diagnosis (The HP values of nearby survivors are displayed next to their name.)
                • Shopping (Player may choose which stores to loot, when searching a mall.)
                      • Construction (Player is able to build barricades, repair machinery and restore ruined buildings.)

                                                    • Lurching Gait (Zombie can walk as fast as the living.)
                                                        Died:6 times
                                                        First died:unknown

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