Robert Bussell - Level 15 Zombie

Class:Zombie A white dude that is 6'0 with a black buzz cut hair.He is a zombie without ears or a nose.

Wearing: a tattered and blood-flecked clerical collar, a tattered and bloodstained orange short-sleeved shirt, a ripped and bloodstained black cassock, a ripped and bloodstained pair of pale blue jeans and a battered and blood-soaked pair of black boots

XP:49 Group:none
Joined:2009-11-05 04:45:17 Skills:
      • Hand-to-Hand Combat (+15% to melee attacks.)
          • Free Running (Can move between adjacent buildings without stepping outside.)
            • NecroTech Employment (Player is able to operate DNA Extractors, and can identify NecroTech offices from the street.)
              • Lab Experience (Can recognise and operate basic-level NecroTech equipment.)

                              • Scent Fear (Survivors with less than 25HP are shown as 'wounded', less than 13HP are 'dying'. Both are asterisked on the map.)
                                  • Scent Trail (Zombie is able to sense the new positions of survivors it's had recent contact with.)
                                  • Digestion (The zombie gains HP equal to its bite damage, when biting a survivor or feeding on a fresh corpse.)
                                    • Vigour Mortis (Zombie gets +10% to hit with all non-weapon attacks.)
                                      • Neck Lurch (Zombie gets an extra +10% to hit with bite attacks.)
                                      • Death Grip (Zombie gets an extra +15% to hit with hand attacks.)
                                      • Rend Flesh (Hand attacks deal an extra 1 damage.)
                                      • Tangling Grasp (If the zombie hits with hands, its further attacks on that victim are at +10% to base attack until it loses its grip.)
                                      • Memories of Life (Zombie is able to open doors to buildings.)
                                              • Lurching Gait (Zombie can walk as fast as the living.)
                                                • Ankle Grab (Zombie only spends 1AP standing up.)
                                                Died:26 times
                                                First died:unknown

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