Orious Maximus - Level 17 Military

Class:Military A haggard medic, who has seen his share of blood, and wishes for nothing more than the eradication of the zombie threat.
He takes one look at your gorey wound and smiles grimly. This will only hurt a lot, but you'll be fine.

Wearing: a blood-smeared pair of sunglasses, a black bandanna, an ankh necklace, a black long-sleeved shirt, a blood-flecked black jacket, a bloodstained black coat, a pair of black jeans and a blood-flecked pair of black leather boots

XP:31 Group:Army Control Corps
Joined:2008-12-04 04:22:03 Skills:
  • Basic Firearms Training (Player gets +25% to hit with all firearms attacks.)
    • Pistol Training (An extra +25% to hit with a pistol.)
      • Advanced Pistol Training (An extra +10% to hit.)
    • Shotgun Training (An extra +25% to hit with a shotgun.)
      • Advanced Shotgun Training (An extra +10% to hit.)
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat (+15% to melee attacks.)
    • Knife Combat (An extra +15% when attacking with a knife.)
    • Axe Proficiency (An extra +15% when attacking with an axe.)
  • Free Running (Can move between adjacent buildings without stepping outside.)
    • NecroTech Employment (Player is able to operate DNA Extractors, and can identify NecroTech offices from the street.)
      • First Aid (Player is able to heal an extra 5HP when using a first-aid kit.)
        • Diagnosis (The HP values of nearby survivors are displayed next to their name.)
        • Shopping (Player may choose which stores to loot, when searching a mall.)
          • Bargain Hunting (Player is 25% more likely to find something when searching a mall.)
        • Body Building (Player has a maximum of 60 Hit Points instead of 50.)
        • Tagging (Player's spraycans last longer. XP bonuses are awarded for tagging certain buildings.)
        • Construction (Player is able to build barricades, repair machinery and restore ruined buildings.)

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