Crusher Creel - Level 22 Zombie

Class:Zombie Crusher would like nothing more
than to smash your plastic tree barricades
scoop the delicious brain from your cracked skull
then, with his belly full, stand where he was, swaying slightly.

Wearing: white contact lenses, a broken and blood-smeared skull necklace, a tattered and blood-soaked Ackland Mall staff shirt, a tattered and blood-soaked stud-covered leather jacket, a tattered and blood-soaked pair of black trousers and a battered and blood-soaked pair of big black boots

XP:188995 Group:💀 Masters of Evil 💀
Joined:2008-08-25 18:59:36 Skills:

                                • Scent Fear (Survivors with less than 25HP are shown as 'wounded', less than 13HP are 'dying'. Both are asterisked on the map.)
                                  • Scent Blood (The HP values and infection status of nearby survivors are displayed next to their name.)
                                  • Scent Trail (Zombie is able to sense the new positions of survivors it's had recent contact with.)
                                  • Scent Death (Zombie can sense nearby zombies and corpses, including members of its group, and distinguish revivifying bodies.)
                                • Digestion (The zombie gains HP equal to its bite damage, when biting a survivor or feeding on a fresh corpse.)
                                  • Infectious Bite (Bitten survivors become infected and lose 1HP per action until cured.)
                                • Vigour Mortis (Zombie gets +10% to hit with all non-weapon attacks.)
                                  • Neck Lurch (Zombie gets an extra +10% to hit with bite attacks.)
                                  • Death Grip (Zombie gets an extra +15% to hit with hand attacks.)
                                  • Rend Flesh (Hand attacks deal an extra 1 damage.)
                                  • Tangling Grasp (If the zombie hits with hands, its further attacks on that victim are at +10% to base attack until it loses its grip.)
                                  • Feeding Drag (Zombie is able to drag dying survivors (those with 12HP or less) out into the street.)
                                • Memories of Life (Zombie is able to open doors to buildings.)
                                  • Death Rattle (Zombie is able to communicate through a limited, groaned form of speech.)
                                  • Feeding Groan (If faced with a survivor, the zombie can emit moans audible outside up to six blocks away.)
                                    • Bellow (When facing at least 25 survivors, the zombie can give a groan audible up to ten blocks away.)
                                  • Ransack (Zombie is able to damage the interior of abandoned buildings, rendering them unbarricadable and harder to search, until repaired.)
                                  • Flailing Gesture (Zombie is able to gesture towards people, objects, buildings and compass directions.)
                                • Lurching Gait (Zombie can walk as fast as the living.)
                                  • Ankle Grab (Zombie only spends 1AP standing up.)
                                • Brain Rot (Zombie is harder to DNA-scan, and can only be revivified in a powered NT building using NecroNet access.)
                                  • Flesh Rot (Zombie has a maximum of 60 Hit Points, and takes reduced damage from firearms.)
                                Died:5372 times
                                First died:during the early outbreaks
                                Real name:Carl

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